How do you know you are born again?

Considering we cannot give birth to ourselves, those of us who have experienced being born again or regeneration, are forever humbled and in awe that we have been given new life. There still are times when because of our propensity to sin we question our salvation. I’ve only met a few in my life who say they never doubt that they are born again. Most of us go through seasons of crying out to the Lord and examining ourselves to see “whether are not we are in the faith.” ( 2 Corinthians 13:5) Any period where we allow sin to remain definitely gives us cause for concern. Unchecked or hidden sin most assuredly causes us to doubt. So what do we do when confronted with these thoughts of despair? I wanted to narrow down some of the key evidences that one has been born again. These are what I go through with my children when they began to question themselves. I never reassure them but always point them back to the Scripture and a thorough examination before the Lord. Here are some of the attributes of someone who has been given a new heart.

  1. You are bearing fruit. (And more so now than ever.) Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. (Galatians 5:22)
  2. You are broken over your sin and enlightened to your total depravity. As Thomas Boston says “formerly your sight could not pierce through the cover Satan had laid over your sin, but now the Spirit of God removes it, wiped off the paint and varnish, and so he sees it in its natural colours as the worst of evils, exceedingly sinful.” (Romans 7:13) Even after regeneration, you are constantly repenting before the Lord over your sin that remains and pursuing holiness at all costs. You long to be more like Christ!
  3. You desire to read the Scripture and devote yourself to prayer. It is your “daily bread” and you recognize how you cannot live without it. His Word brings you comfort and conviction. You desire to live by every truth you read and the Spirit impresses His truth upon your heart more and more.
  4. The Lord disciplines you when you stray. This is one that most do not look for but the Scripture makes it clear that the Father disciplines His own. “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” Hebrews 12:6
  5. You feel alone and experience persecution regularly. We shouldn’t feel liked and comforted in this world. There is much suffering to bear on behalf of Christ and His gospel. “you will be hated by all people because of My name.” Luke 21:17

I hope these 5 evidences have helped you if you are going through doubt. If you are not truly born again, I pray you are convicted and the Lord uses this to draw you to Himself. Let us call others around us to examine themselves that may have been deceived by a false profession and bear no evidence of regeneration. And let us encourage those of us who belong to Christ and spur one another on in godliness and holiness.

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14


Author: lauranlou

Hi! I’m a pastor’s wife and mom to 5 kids. My passion, other than being a stay at home mom and wife, is teaching women to study Scripture, know and love theology and to glorify Christ with their lives!

3 thoughts on “How do you know you are born again?”

    1. Thanks! Felt led to write this after talking with quite a few who had been questioning if they were born again or had children who weren’t sure. My desire was for this to lead people to examine themselves through the lense of Scripture. Hope you’re doing well! 😊

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